Enrollment is now open for Summer PSAT Classes!
Register before March 15th and save! View schedules and reserve your seat here!

NEW! Common App Workshops! Click the workshop dates below to learn more and register!
Monday, June 16th
Saturday, July 12th
Tuesday, August 12th

Avoid Delays on Test Day! Updates to College Board’s Bluebook App

PSAT season is around the corner, and this year students will take the new digital test on the College Board’s Bluebook app. That is, if the app doesn’t crash.

No doubt the College Board’s IT team is triple checking every line of code to avoid a disaster. But students—and schools—must do their part as well.

Like any app, Bluebook requires periodic updates. These are set to occur automatically. However, some school-issued devices have automatic updates blocked by default. If you get an error message when you try to open your Bluebook app, contact your school’s counselor ASAP and let them know what’s happening. As soon as the school approves the update, you should be good to go. You can read what the CB has to say about updates https://bluebook.collegeboard.org/technology/updates.

We recommend checking the app during the week leading up to your test. You may also want to check with your school counselor to make sure any last-minute updates will be approved in time for PSAT day. And cross your fingers, knock on wood, etc…