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Our Blog

Tips, Tricks, and Info for Students and Parents

Changes Coming to ACT

Since the College Board announced its switch to a digital test, ACT Inc. has been trying its best to evolve to keep up with its competitor. While ACT recently began offering a digital version of the ACT to students who prefer testing on a computer, it hasn’t gained much traction.…

SAT Prep for English Language Learners

For many English Language Learners (ELL), the SAT Reading and Writing can be particularly daunting. The good news is that it can be learned, and many ELL catch on to the strategies very quickly once they begin training. Starting test prep early—but not too early—is key. Middle school is too…

New Online ACT Will Be Ready for Spring Testers in 2024

Starting in February of 2024, students will have the option to take the ACT online on a computer at an approved testing center. The content and format of the ACT is not changing. Students simply have the option of paper-and-pencil or online when registering. The students who will benefit most…

Understanding Your PSAT Score Report

This year, juniors took the digital PSAT in October. As promised, scores are available earlier than ever. Some students’ scores were released on November 6th. If you did not get your score then, it should be available today, November 16th. You can view your scores at Just log in…

Avoid Delays on Test Day! Updates to College Board's Bluebook App

PSAT season is around the corner, and this year students will take the new digital test on the College Board’s Bluebook app. That is, if the app doesn’t crash. No doubt the College Board’s IT team is triple checking every line of code to avoid a disaster. But students—and schools—must…

College Essay Protip

​What makes a good essay topic? In general, avoid focusing on negative experiences, the things that happen to you. Stray away from topics that include anything that might make a school worry about you or your potential for success in college. This includes, but is not limited to, issues about mental health,…

What is a "good" SAT score?

What is a “good” SAT score? The CollegeBoard defines benchmark scores for both the Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing sections of the SAT. Reaching these benchmarks means that a student has a “75 percent chance of earning at least a C in first-semester, credit-bearing college courses” (CollegeBoard) in related…

2023-2024 SAT and ACT Test Dates

Official SAT Test Dates 2023-2024 August 26th, 2023 October 7th, 2023 November 4th, 2023 December 2nd, 2023 March 9th, 2023 (Digital SAT) May 4th, 2023 (Digital SAT) June 1st, 2023 (Digital SAT) Register for the official test at Register for SAT prep classes here! The SAT changes to the…

ACT vs. Digital SAT

ACT VS Digital SAT Want to know the difference between the ACT and NEW digital SAT? Read some of our most asked questions below and take a look at our new score conversion chart! Which test is a better fit for me? It depends! The best way to know for…

The Importance of an Expanded Resume for Admission to the University of Texas at Austin

UT ADMISSIONS: THE IMPORTANCE OF AN EXPANDED RESUME The University of Texas at Austin is one of the most esteemed universities in the world, with over 51,000 students across 18 different schools and colleges. A unique aspect of their admissions process is the request for an expanded resume. While it…

College Admissions Timeline!

COLLEGE ADMISSIONS RECOMMENDED TIMELINE The key to not getting overwhelmed with the college admissions process is to stay organized and know what to focus on when. The focus in 9th-10th grade should be on academic success, extracurricular interests, and exploring career ideas. College visits and gaining real world experiences through…

Learn More About the Digital SAT!

The SAT is changing–a lot! Here’s an overview of the new digital format, followed by an in-depth look at the new math and verbal content. DATESThe digital SAT will debut in March of 2024. But class-of-2025 juniors will get a preview in October of 2023, when the digital PSAT arrives.…

Big Changes Coming to the SAT!

The SAT is finally going digital! Beginning in the fall of 2023 for PSAT, and in the spring of 2024 for SAT, students will take the test on either a personal or school-issued device. (Students without access to either will be provided a device by the college board). The test…

What is the 5th Section that Shows Up at the End of Some SATs?

How many sections are on the SAT? As everyone knows, there are four sections on the SAT–except when there are five! The so-called “experimental” section shows up occasionally, after the Math-Calculator section, but it’s nothing to worry about. The test makers are simply trying out new questions. That’s how they…

Score Optional Updates for Class of '22!

With the lack of widespread availability for SAT and ACT tests in the last year, many rising Seniors have wondered how a shift in test administrations will affect their college applications. And this has gotten many people excited about the option for schools who won’t require test scores as part…

College Admission Recommended Timeline: Sophomore Fall to Senior Spring

COLLEGE ADMISSIONS RECOMMENDED TIMELINE FALL SOPHOMORE YEAR – Focus on making wise academic choices, improving grades, finding passion and focus in extra-curricular activities, test prep indicator PSAT Students should seek to plan for what their academics will reflect by the time they graduate high school. For example, do they want…

SAT Essay and Subject Tests Are Going Away

This week the College Board announced that it was doing away with the optional essay portion of the SAT test and scrapping the SAT subject tests. I doubt many students will be disappointed. The essay, a rhetorical analysis of an argument, added fifty minutes to the end of what was…

The FAFSA is Open October 1st!

Completing and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) doesn’t have to be confusing. Read on for advice from our college advisor and one of our trusted college counseling partners to help you navigate the FAFSA with confidence. First, let’s dispel a few myths about FAFSA: I should…

Test Cancellation Updates and Advice for Class of '21

The SAT and ACT are typically offered a combined number of fourteen times during a given school year. This year, however, COVID cancellations and postponements eliminated at least half of those opportunities for the class of 2021.  Many test sites have announced that they are cancelling or postponing the August…

Understanding the National Merit Scholarship Process

Do you have questions about National Merit and the PSAT? Read on to learn more about what National Merit is and how students can qualify for scholarships. At the end of this post you will find a list of colleges that have a reputation for offering generous scholarships to students…

Applying to Score Optional Schools - Updated!

With the unprecedented cancellations of SAT and ACT tests this spring, many rising seniors are wondering how the situation will affect their college applications, particularly for schools that now do not require test scores as part of a student’s admissions profile. “Score-optional” or “test-optional” schools do not require students to…

Changes Coming to ACT

Since the College Board announced its switch to a digital test, ACT Inc. has been ...


SAT Prep for English Language Learners

For many English Language Learners (ELL), the SAT Reading and Writing can be particularly daunting. The good news is that it can be learned, and ...


New Online ACT Will Be Ready for Spring Testers in 2024

Starting in February of 2024, students will have the option to take the ACT online on a computer at an approved testing center. The content ...