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College Essay Protip

​What makes a good essay topic?
In general, avoid focusing on negative experiences, the things that happen to you. Stray away from topics that include anything that might make a school worry about you or your potential for success in college. This includes, but is not limited to, issues about mental health, eating disorders, body-image, etc. While these are all important topics, and ones that we, as a society, should be better at discussing, the college essay is not the best place for that.
Your college essay should shine you in the best light possible. Picking the wrong topic could potentially cause concern and come across as passivity to those considering to admit you to their institute. It is best to focus on active and forward momentum! While one could make the argument that overcoming these problems is impressive, we would counter that you have far more impressive qualities than resilience! So, why not celebrate the absolutely awesome?  
If you find yourself struggling to find the right topic for your college essay–one that will showcase your uniqueness, speak to your character, highlight your individuality–then meet with one of our college essay experts today! We will help you find your voice and tell the story that only you can tell.