Labor Day Office Hours:
Monday, 9/2 11:00a-4:00p
Labor Day Practice Test
Practice Test Review

October PSAT, SAT, and ACT Classes Start soon!
View Schedules and register here!

Prepare for the PSAT in just 1 day! Sign up for a boot camp today!

We provide both our own curriculum and a copy of one of the books below. These materials are included in the cost of the course. The manual we have developed includes test-taking strategies, review of content, and a series of quizzes and homework questions to improve your performance.


For our PSAT and SAT classes we use our own curriculum and the BlueBook app. All students registered for an SAT or PSAT class must  must bring their own device and have downloaded the Bluebook App in advance. Please visit to view a list of approved devices compatible with the Bluebook Exams app.


For our ACT class we use ACT Inc.’s The Official ACT Prep Guide 2022-2023. Click here to learn more.