Enrollment is now open for Summer PSAT Classes!
Register before March 15th and save! View schedules and reserve your seat here!

NEW! Common App Workshops! Click the workshop dates below to learn more and register!
Monday, June 16th
Saturday, July 12th
Tuesday, August 12th

We recommend taking the SAT at least twice junior year. Students can take the SAT at any time it is offered, but we recommend students take their first SAT no later than March of their junior year. Starting early will ensure that students have ample opportunity to prepare and do their best.

The SAT is offered 7 times a year in: March, May, June, August, October, November, and December.

There is no limit to the number of times a student can take the SAT. Visit www.collegeboard.org to find dates and locations in your area, or to register for the official test.