Prepare for the March SAT in just 1 day! Check out our SAT boot camps!
View schedules and reserve your seat now!

Enrollment is now open for Summer PSAT Classes!
Register before March 15th and save! View schedules and reserve your seat here!

MTAT Test Prep Locations in Austin

More Than A Teacher is locally owned and operated with two brick and mortar locations inside of the Austin city limits. We also have online classes and off site locations at local high schools and community centers in Austin and the surrounding areas.

On-Site Austin Offices

Our Austin offices are a great place for private tutoring, test prep classes, practice tests, and free consultations.

Off-Site Austin Area Locations

Our off-site locations are conveniently located near you. These neighborhood sites are great for test prep classes and make up classes.

Ann Richards School

Austin High

Bowie High School

Cedar Park 

Dripping Springs

Hays High School

Hill Country Christian School of Austin



Liberal Arts and Science Academy


McCallum High School


Regents School of Austin

Round Rock

St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School

St. Michael’s Catholic Academy


Vandegrift High School

Vista Ridge High School

Westwood High School

Non-Austin Offices

Not in Austin? Visit our test prep locations around Texas!

Dallas/Ft. Worth

Victoria/South Texas

San Antonio

Host Classes Yourself

Are you interested in hosting MTAT classes on your campus?

Contact us to find out how to become a partner school.